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Ecology, Evolution and Conservation

Scarce swallowtail butterfly extracting nutrients from wet sand
Scarce swallowtail butterfly extracting nutrients from wet sand

We conduct fundamental research on the evolution and ecology of organisms, with a strong foci of research on insect evolutionary ecology and behaviour, bat ecology, pollination, agroecosystems, and temperate and tropical forest communities.


Prof Dave Goulson (Professor of Ecology)
Behavioural ecology; Population genetics; Conservation; Bumblebees.

Dr Ellen Rotheray - Population dynamics, ecology and management of the BAP species, the pine and the aspen hoverfly

Dr Nils Bunnefeld (Lecturer)
The conservation and management of social-ecological systems using the combination of empirical data collection and modelling to investigate the interaction between human decision-making and the dynamics of ecological processes.

Dr Kate Abernethy (Research Fellow)
African Forest Ecology Group Leader
Conservation of great apes

African Forest Ecology Group

Dr Kathryn Jeffery - conservation of great apes

Dr Kirsty Park (Senior Lecturer)
Invasive alien species; Animal ecology & conservation; Human-wildlife conflict; Exposure of vertebrates to endocrine disruptors.

Dr Elisa Fuentes-Montemayor - Bat conservation in agricultural landscapes

Plant & Forest Ecology

Dr Daisy Dent (Lecturer)
The effects of land-use change on tropical forest biodiversity and ecosystem functions

Dr Mario Vallejo-Marin (Lecturer)
The role of adaptation in the evolution of plant reproductive strategies.

Dr Alistair Jump (Lecturer)
Plant responses to climate change; Determinants of species distributions at global and local scales; Evolutionary responses to range shifts and habitat fragmentation; Forest conservation and sustainability.

Dr Timothy Paine (Lecturer)
The community structure and dynamics of tropical rain forests.

Dr Luis Matias Resina (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
The response of woody species to recent environmental changes and its consequences for population and community dynamics.

Evolutionary Ecology

Dr Luc Bussière (Lecturer)
Life history allocation: Mate choice; Natural and sexual selection; Quantitative genetics; Senescence; Sex-role reversal; Sexual advertisement; Sexual dimorphism.

Dr Andre Gilburn (Lecturer)
Sexual conflict; Sexual selection; Evolution of mating systems; Cryptic female mate choice; Life history evolution; Seaweed flies.

Dr Jacqueline Nairn (Lecturer)
Immune complexes in insects; Activation of phenoloxidase; Regulation of human bisphosphoglycerate mutase.

Dr Matt Tinsley (Lecturer)
Pathogen evolution; Host-parasite coevolution; Invertebrate immune defence; Insect sex-ratios; Wolbachia; Invertebrate sexually transmitted disease; Arctic insect ecology.

Honorary Staff

John Calladine (/BTO Scotland) - movements of farmland passerines; upland birds and implactions of land management.
Dr Liz Humphreys (BTO Scotland) - effects of woodland management practices on birds; urban and suburban development; seabird foraging ecology and energetics.
Dr Fiona Maisels (African Forest Ecology Group)
Dr Caroline Tutin (African Forest Ecology Group)
Prof Jeremy Wilson (Head of Research, RSPB Scotland)
Dr Chris Wernham (Honorary Lecturer/ Senior Research Ecologist and Head of BTO Scotland) - avian demography; migration and movements; raptor monitoring.
Dr Lee White (African Forest Ecology Group)