The CESER Project: Objectives

The project aims to develop a decision support system for the long-term management of radioactively contaminated land resources.

The objectives are:

  • To identify the most significant interactions between environmental processes and countermeasures aimed at reducing soil-plant-animal transfer of radionuclides.
  • To quantify through modelling, experimental work and expert judgement the degree and duration of environmental impact from countermeasure side-effects.
  • To evaluate the combined impacts of each countermeasure including differential responses of radiocaesium and radiostrontium under different food production systems in the EU.
  • To predict the strategic impact of side-effects on a regional and national basis through utilisation of geographical information systems and classification of geographical areas according to their suitability for countermeasures.
  • To identify and assess consumer attitudes towards contaminated food products, the use of countermeasures in food production and their willingness to pay to avoid damages.
  • To compare the direct and indirect costs and benefits of countermeasures related to changes in economic output, environmental quality and human health.

  • To provide a decision support package which can be used as a regional and national planning tool in the long-term evaluation of countermeasure suitability of land which incorporates both environmental and socio-economic impacts.

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